


Waste Incineration Power Generation Project?in Zhenxiong,Yunnan Province Was Signed
Date:2018-10-25 From:海螺創(chuàng)業(yè)

On October 24, 2018, Conch Venture and the Zhenxiong County government of Yunnan Province signed the waste incineration and power generation  Project. The total processing capacity of the project is 1,000 tons/day, the recent project construction is to treat 500 tons/day and related supporting facilities.

Zhen Tao, the executive deputy magistrate of Zhenxiong County, Xu Guojun, director of the County Housing and Construction Bureau; Ji Qinying, general manager of Conch Ventures, Han Jiwu, assistant general manager of the general manager, Wang Junxian, and Li Zhisong attended the signing ceremony. Ji Qinying, General Manager of Conch Venture, and Chen Tao, Executive Deputy Magistrate of Zhenxiong County, signed the contract on behalf of both parties.





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