


Solid Waste Treatment Project in Yiyang,Hunan Province Was Signed Was Signed
Date:2019-01-20 From:海螺創(chuàng)業(yè)

Conch Venture and Anhua County Government successfully signed the  Solid and Waste Treatment Projects by Using Cement Kilns. This is the second solid waste treatment project by using cement kiln signed by the company after the Guangdong Yangchun Project in 2019.

This project is the fourth solid waste treatment project in Hunan Province invested and constructed by Conch Ventures in Hunan Province. It is invested by Wuhu Haichuang Environmental Protection Technology Co., Ltd., relying on the existing cement production line of Yiyang Conch to harmlessly treat all kinds of ash. Slag, industrial solid waste and municipal sludge, etc., have an annual solid waste disposal capacity of 100,000 tons.


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